I received this beautiful e QSL from station Witte Tornado (White Tornado) and Lady. A pirate station operating from Almelo, The Netherlands, on 1647 kHz. Operator Gerard informed me that they are on air every 2nd Sunday from 17:00 to 00:00 h local time.
If you want the email address, drop me a note via a comment on this mail.
QSL from Witte Tornado and Lady, a Dutch pirate station on 1647 kHz
As a follow up to my previous post: I received a kind email from Stephen Jones (gwendolinestreet(at)gmail.com), the producer of “16 Gwendoline Street”. I received this program via IRRS-NEXUS, Italy, 1323 kHz. Stephen wrote that the program I received a program that was made by Rose from Radio Northern Europe International while he was visiting a poetry festival on the Isle of Wight.
“16 Gwendoline Street” has been on air via IRRS since 2007. Focus is mainly on a core group of dedicated listeners to what Stephen describes as “Loosely Arts based”.
A QSL card from 16 Gwendoline Street (via: qsl-review.blogspot.com)
Last Sunday (not on Saturday as indicated in the email below) I tuned in to NEXUS IBA from Villa Estense, Italy, on 1323 kHz. Prior to Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio” at 20 h UTC, and “AWR Wavescan” at 20:30 h UTC I received a program called “16 Gwendoline Street”. I can’t find a lot of information about this program, but they brought a beautiful selection of Japanese music. I sent them an email so stay tuned.
Below my QSL Nexus IBA on 1323 kHz with some additional information. As the information is available on the internet as well I regard the “privacy notice” footer as a mere formality.
Listening to the radio can bring you very close to current affairs. For my report on a Radio Rossii program transmitted on 999 kHz I received this QSL from Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr (prtc@idknet.com). The Radiotelecentr also broadcasts programmes of Vesti FM (1431 kHz) and Trans World Radio (1548 kHz).
QSL Radio Rossii Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr 999 kHz
Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr is located near Grigoriopol in Transnistria, a small strip of land between the river Dniestr and the border with Ukraine. Transnistria literally means “across the Dniestr. When the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1990 this part of the former Moldovan Soviet Republic broke away. They hoped to stay within the Soviet Union. In 1992 a military conflict ended with a ceasefire and the creation of a demilitarized zone. The region which calls itself the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has since been autonomous but is not recognized by any UN member state. It is still seen as part of Moldova.
In 2022, while the Russian invasion in Ukraine took place, a wave of attacks struck Transnistria. Two blasts on April 26th destroyed the two most powerful antennas of the radio station. There are different views on who was behind the attacks. From the email I received it is clear what the station administration thinks of it.
BDXC : SWL 2262 PRe VERON : NL 14228 If you want to get in touch, just leave a message on one of my posts. Please note that I don't publish email addresses of verifiers which are not part of the public domain. So if you don't see the QSL address, just leave a message and I'll get back to you.
Feel free to copy anything on this weblog. I try to provide accurate information, but if I'm wrong: don't blame me! A link back to my site is appreciated when you copy info.