The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Radio Vanuatu 9960 kHz

An e-QSL card for Radio Vanuatu on 9960 kHz. In 2023 Radio Vanuatu started to issue e-QSLs. I tried to catch them on 7260 kHz but wasn’t successful. As Vanuatu would be a new EDXC country I decided to make an exception and tune in via a Kiwi SDR in Brisbane to get a QSL in July 2023.

This week Helmut Matt let me know that Radio Vanuatu could be received in decent quality on their new frequency of 9960 kHz around 0630 – 0700 h UTC. So I gave it a try and this time I was able to hear them with news, weather and a Lionel Richie song. Given local noise not easy, but definitely doable: SINPO 24222. Within a day I got the eQSL from Warren Robert, Manager of Technical Services.

e-QSL from VTBC Radio Vanuatu on 9960 kHz

It feels good to have this station QSL-ed for a reception from my home QTH!


  1. Patrick

    That’s a nice one Peter, well done !

    • Peter Reuderink

      Thank you Patrick… but do try… I’ve never heard Vanuatu so well. Maybe the 9960 kHz makes a difference compared to 7260 they used previously.

  2. Angel José Leonardo

    I tuned VBTC on 9960 khz around 06:30 utc many times.
    I sent several messages .
    I did not receive a QSL card yet.

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