When I returned to the hobby I learned that low power broadcasting on AM was legalized in the Netherlands. One of the first stations and QSLs I received was LPAM Radio Monique on 918 kHz. Once broadcasting as an offshore pirate from the famous radio ship “Ross Revenge” they now settled in Velsen-Noord. (Velsen-North is the part of Velsen north of the Noordzeekanaal – North Sea Channel – connecting Amsterdam to the North Sea – got it?)
With their antenna on top of an industrial building in Velsen, providing good grounding, they enjoy quite a big reception area despite their low power of only 100 W. Much to the frustration of other LPAM stations in The Netherlands using the same frequency. For us DX-ers the good news is that they issue a nice eQSL card witnessing their heritage. Send your reports to studio@radiomonique.am.