The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Rohrbach (Page 2 of 2)

My report read on Radio Six International (and recorded by Hugo!)

On June 6th Radio Six International celebrated their 60th anniversary. They ran a 24 h broadcast on 9670 kHz via Channel 292 Rohrbach. And there was also a 2 hr live evening show via Nexus 1323 kHz.

My reception report on 9670 kHz was read in the evening show. Hugo Matten was listening as well and recognized my name. He made a nice recording of my letter being read on the show and posted it via YouTube .

The Radio Six International team must have been very busy that day. And I probably didn’t convey my message on signal quality properly. I could receive them in good quality on both frequencies. But it is definitely true that on my suburb home QTH solar panels (almost every neighbor has them on their roof) produce a lot of interference on a sunny day. A loop antenna helps, but not everyone has one… evening hours are therefore always preferred!

Now I’m anxiously awaiting their QSL!

Radio Six International Logo celebrating 60 years!
Radio Six International celebrated their 60th anniversary on June 6th

QSL Europarl Radio via Channel 292

Better weather finally arrived. And I had to do some catch up in training for the 235 km long bicycle Elfstedentocht which I completed last weekend. As a result I spent less time behind the radio. QSL response rates were a bit lower as well. The QSL from Europarl Radio, via Channel 292, was therefore more than welcome.

Early May Europarl hired 3 time slots on Channel 292. It was the first time in Europarl Radio history that they broadcast their programmes on short wave. You could already listen to their programmes/podcasts via the internet.

I’m not sure whether it will be a success though. First of all because the time slots hired on 9670 kHz were mid day. With the sun out there is a lot of solar panel interference in my suburb area (including our own panels I have to admit). Signal strength of Channel 292 is not sufficient to overcome this. Secondly, listeners might struggle a bit with the programme format. It changed from English to French to German every 10 minutes…

That said, their QSL card is nice and fully detailed.

QSL Europarl Radio via Channel 292
QSL Europarl Radio via Channel 292

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