The wonderful world of listening to the radio


“Ukraine” QSL from NEXUS IBA 1323 kHz

Following a brief email confirmation in August I received this beautiful “Ukraine” e- QSL from NEXUS IBA 1323 kHz. They broadcast from Villa Estense in Italy.

As they wrote in the accompanying email; “Our latest QSL card is dedicated to all the people in Ukraine, those who died, and those who left their home country as refugees during the current times of war. The card was designed by Pauline Marx, a young German artist who joins us in expressing a message of hope to the people in Ukraine because there is always hope for a better future”.

NEXUS IBA 1332 kHz QSL card dedicated to Ukraine
NEXUS IBA 1332 kHz QSL card, dedicated to the people in Ukraine

They continue:
“We run extraordinary high power broadcast on Shortwave and Medium Wave (1368 kHz) in the evenings with news and inspirational programs to reach those in the current conflict zones. If you wish to know more or support our efforts, please visit our web pages:

Humanitarian Radio Broadcasting at the time of the Ukrainian war

You may also donate to our fund to sponsor the cost of airtime and allow us to
continue these broadcasts:

QSL 16 Gwendoline Street via IRRS-NEXUS 1323 kHz

As a follow up to my previous post: I received a kind email from Stephen Jones (gwendolinestreet(at), the producer of “16 Gwendoline Street”. I received this program via IRRS-NEXUS, Italy, 1323 kHz. Stephen wrote that the program I received a program that was made by Rose from Radio Northern Europe International while he was visiting a poetry festival on the Isle of Wight.

“16 Gwendoline Street” has been on air via IRRS since 2007. Focus is mainly on a core group of dedicated listeners to what Stephen describes as “Loosely Arts based”.

A QSL card from 16 Gwendoline Street (via:

QSL Nexus IBA on 1323 kHz

Last Sunday (not on Saturday as indicated in the email below) I tuned in to NEXUS IBA from Villa Estense, Italy, on 1323 kHz. Prior to Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio” at 20 h UTC, and “AWR Wavescan” at 20:30 h UTC I received a program called “16 Gwendoline Street”. I can’t find a lot of information about this program, but they brought a beautiful selection of Japanese music. I sent them an email so stay tuned.

Below my QSL Nexus IBA on 1323 kHz with some additional information.
As the information is available on the internet as well I regard the “privacy notice” footer as a mere formality.

Email QSL Nexus IBA Radio 1323 kHz

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