The wonderful world of listening to the radio


QSL Reach Beyond Australia 15460 kHz

Reach Beyond broadcasts from Kununurra in Northwest Australia. For my reception of their “Women of Hope” program in Tamil I received this nice e- QSL in about three days. I sent my report to .

QSL Reach Beyond Kunumurra Australia
E- QSL from Reach Beyond, Kununurra, Northwest Australia

In 2001 HCJB was granted permission for the construction of a transmitter in Kununurra, and the station went live in 2003. In 2014 the ministry changed its name from HCJB Global into Reach Beyond. Fortunately their dedication to DX-ers all over the world with their QSL policy did not change. Today Reach Beyond is broadcasting to the the Asia Pacific region in 25 languages. You can learn about the history of Reach Beyond Australia on their website.

QSL HCJB Deutschland Weenermoor 5920 kHz

HCJB, “Heralding Christ Jesus Blessings” or “The Voice of the Andes” from Ecuador was the 4th QSL I received for my reception on the family radio back in 1979. At the time I could barely believe that I had just received a station from so far away. But it definitely contributed to me becoming a DX-er!

Operating since 1931 HCJB was the first Christian Radio Emmisary in the world. In 2009 the HCJB station was dismantled for the construction of the new Quito city airport. With satellite, FM and internet emerging it was thought that media consumption altered. Focus was on “planting” HCJB programs at local stations in local languages.

So I guess HCJB Deutschland is part of the heritage. With a 1.5 kW transmitter from Weenermoor, Germany, just across the border with the Netherlands in Ost Friesland they broadcast the Christian message. For my reception of their program on 5920 kW Mr. Mark-Torsten Wardein sent me a nice QSL card, a letter, a CD and additional info about their station.

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