The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Gothenburg

QSL JRCC Sweden 2187.5 kHz

Göteborg and Stockholm Radio can be received regularly on 2187.5 kHz with DSC messages. As I already had QSLs from the 80-ies for I didn’t bother to send a reception report and QSL request for these two stations. But then I saw a QSL from Artur at MaresmeDX for JRCC Sweden. And I wondered how they are actually organized these days.

Within an hour of sending my reception report for a reception of MMSI 002653000, Göteborg Radio on 2187.5 kHz to I got an answer:

So it seems that everything on MF is now under the jurisdiction of JRCC Sweden. The HF band isn’t covered anymore. And I guess that the name Stockholm Radio is used for VHF DSC watch and weather broadcasts: .

In the 80-ies you could listen to a couple of stations on MF. In addition to Göteborg (SAG) and Stockholm Radio (SDJ) I remember Karlskrona (SAA), Härnosand (SAH) and Tingstaede (Visby, SAE). The nice thing was that they had matching set of QSL cards. But although I heard all stations, I managed to get the QSLs for Göteborg and Stockholm Radio only…

1982 QSL Göteborg Radio SAG (1785 kHz)
1980s (I’ve two, both no details) QSL Stockholm Radio SDJ

QSL Radio Igloo 4975 kHz

QSL Radio Igloo - West Coast DX Club
QSL from Radio Igloo and the West Coast DX Club, Sweden

Radio Igloo was on air last weekend (and I told you so!). This time from Europe (my previous QSL was for a reception via WRMI). On Saturday, November 11th, they were present on three frequencies via three different Free Radio stations. I managed to pick up the one on 4975 kHz, but only the first 30 minutes. Conditions were poor and I suffered a lot of QRN on my holiday location in Exloo, which didn’t help either.

A day later I heard them on 6375 kHz (which was the only frequency they used that day). Fortunately quality was much better this time, and I could listen to the entire show which featured a nice selection of music, mainly picked by participants on the Westcoast DX Club event that was held at the same time. They were together 25 km North East of Gothenburg, Sweden, with some nice antennas, including a 300 m long Beverage. You can see the expedition on the QSL – I’ve been on many DX weekends, but never one where the beds were directly behind the receiver 😉!

According to Shortwave DX blog, the 4975 kHz transmission was via Free Radio Akenzo, and the 6375 kHz via Radio Mexico. I sent my report to

Radio Igloo on air this weekend

QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI
QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI

On Saturday, November 11, a new program from Radio Igloo will be broadcast.

The West Coast DX club will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg next weekend.

The DX club and Radio Igloo will broadcast a program with our own favorite music. There will be a mix of many different styles of music. Our best program to date – at least we think so.

For the first time, the program will be broadcast simultaneously from three different transmitters, from different locations in Central Europe and on different frequencies.

It has become possible thanks to our radio-friends in Central Europe. It will be interesting to see how it will work.

The program will be broadcast on Saturday 11 November at 19–20 Central European Time (18–19 UTC) on 4945, 5840 and 6380 kHz.(or on a free frequency nearby).

The program will be rebroadcast the following day at 15-16 CET but then only on 6380 kHz

We appreciate reports on our program, preferably with an audio clip and with comments on the content of the program.

Correct reports will be answered with a new e-QSL. Send your reports to

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