The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Dordrecht

QSL Atlantica AM 1485 kHz

There is low power (100 Watts) and “Real Low Power”. 1485 is the “Real Low Power” AM (LPAM) frequency in The Netherland: stations should have 1 Watt maximum. There are around 25 stations active on this frequency. Unfortunately DX-ers in the Netherlands will typically hear one dominant station only. Outside the Netherlands you might be able to benefit from variations in propagation conditions, enabling you to hear several stations.

On my QTH Radio 182, only 15 kilometers away (basically across the meadow) is dominant. But using my NTi Megaloop FX antenna to “null” them out, there is apparently enough of a signal left for Atlantica AM from Dordrecht. On Sundays that is, because I that’s when they are “on air”.

You can check your reception against Flux Radio, because they broadcast the Atlantic AM transmissions as well. If you receive them, feel free to go to the Facebook page of Cor Hitzerd. That’s how I got in touch:

Following my report I had a nice conversation with Cor. He shared quite a lot about his pirate history, his friends on the air, and how they as pirates promoted lots of Dutch artists. The fact that you can connect to station owners is so nice about DX-ing these days! Cor also sent me a few pictures… here we go:

Kilrock is installing a new antenna

Kilrock is installing an new antenna. The previous one went down in a storm. I’m a fan of this station because of their choice of music. They also have one of the nicest e-QSL cards you can get! The You-Tube video gives you a pretty good idea about the LPAM (low power AM) scene in the Netherlands… I’m told they hope that their antenna is up and running by Easter. All is “weather prevailing”. And as a cyclist I can tell you weather hasn’t been much in the last weeks even though it is supposed to be spring.
Anyway for you radio enthusiasts in Europe, you should have better opportunities to receive this nice station from ‘s Gravendeel on 1287 AM!

QSL Kilrock AM, 1287 kHz, ‘s Gravendeel, The Netherlands

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