Yesterday I posted the e-QSL from Dankó Rádió. The other thematic Hungarian radiostation broadcasting on mediumwave is Nemzetiségi Rádió. The name translates as “Nationality Radio”. This station offers programmes to the etnic minorities, or maybe better said, language minorities in Hungary. And there are quite a few of those: Armenian, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovakian, Ukranian and two Roma languages Lovári und Beás.
Nemzetiségi Rádió has transmitters on 873 kHz (20 kW, 2 locations), 1188 kHz (300/100 kW). But my report from December last year is for the weakest of the bunch, the 5 kW transmitter in Györ. And that’s nice because I visited this city while on a bicycling tour with my girlfriend (still my wife 😘) years ago in 1986. Our first 3 week cycling tour outside the Benelux. To travel beyond the “iron curtain” in those days, on a bicycle with camping gear, was not as common as bikepackers today might think. My wife and I share fond memories of that adventure!
As with Dankó Rádió I got my e-QSL with a report to, signed by Mr. Ivan Kovacs.