The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Croatia

QSL 9AS Split Radio 518 kHz

A classic paper postcard QSL from 9AS Split Radio on 518 kHz!

A classic QSL card for 9AS Split Radio on 518 kHz

Spilt Radio is 1312 kms away from my home location and pretty much a “regular” every night. Plovput is the private company responsible for maintenance and operation of this service. You can see the NAVTEX messages on the Plovput website.

Kudoos to Plovput for offering the QSL service, and yes, I have said it before, I do think hobbies like ours might help to gain interest with young people to undertake technical studies that are so needed to keep our society running! Well done people working at Plovput!

QSL NDB PIS-424 Pisarovina / Zagreb

Still a little bit of catch-up to do. Mr Boris Mrkonja at Croatia Control, Zagreb, was so kind to QSL NDB PIS-424 located near Pisarovina for Zagreb Airport.

This NDB (Non Directional Beacon) was among one of the first beacons that I received after installing my NTi Megaloop FX antenna a few months ago. As I had never received a beacon from Croatia I was really happy with this result: apparently with my new receiver and antenna it was still possible to do some NDB DX. This beacon is located 1078 km from my QTH. I made my reception “by ear”, so without the use of the wonderful Pskov software I recently installed. So give it a try, this beacon is often really strong and easy to receive!

Email to QSL NDB PIS-424 Pisarovina, Croatia

QSL NDB CE-372 and OSJ-422 Osijek Airport

Croatian Airspace is divided over 6 Regional ATC centres, part of Croatia Control. I have had some success in getting QSLs from the Regional Centres. Mr. Gadzic from the Osijek Regional centre was so kind to return a QSL for NDB CE-372 (Osijek/Cepin) and NDB OSJ-422 (Osijek Airport).

QSL for NDB CE-372 and OSJ-422 at Osijek Airport

For who is interested, attached find some details about the Navaids at Osijek Airport.

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