The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Bodo

QSL Vardø Radio 518 kHz

As my antenna is usually directed WNW/ESE for Transatlantic MW DX I don’t receive them too often. But during last weekend I was busy chasing NDBs and had the antenna pointing North. In addition to Arkhangelsk Radio I had a nice reception of a NAVTEX message from Vardø Radio on 518 kHz. Within a day I had my QSL.

eQSL for Kystradio Nord

Vardø is located on the NE tip of Norway, 2430 kilometers away from my QTH. Together with Svalbard and Bodø Radio the station serves NAVAREA19, basically the waters around Svalbard/Spitsbergen. The stations are remotely operated from Bodø.

Vardø on the NE tip of Norway is 2340 km from my QTH.

QSL Bodoe Radio 2187.5 kHz

Not all Maritime stations respond to reception reports. But those who do might send beautiful (e-)QSL cards, like this one from Bodoe Radio, Norwegian Coastal Radio North. In Norway there are only two centres left, north and south, that coordinate maritime radio transmissions. The Floro, Alesund, Tjome stations of the past are no more. But this beautiful QSL for my reception of Bodoe radio DCS on 2187.5 kHz makes up for that. Big compliments to the folks at Norwegian Coastal Radio North for providing this service to us DX folks!

QSL Bodoe Radio, DCS, 2187.5 kHz

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