The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Tag: Aasiaat

QSL NDB AA-336 Aasiaat

A QSL from another Greenland NDB which I received via the Clashmore Kiwi in Scotland during the recent CLE event: NDB AA on 336 kHz for Aasiaat airport. The operator was not allowed to open the MP3 file, but the description of the beacon signal was suffucient. The email text misses the details, but I have another email from Greenland Airports headoffice that does contain the details for my reception of this beacon AA-336 Aasiaat as well as NA-359 Narsarsuaq.

Aasiaat is a small airport on the west coast of Greenland, south of Disko Bay. From Aasiaat you can fly to the bigger airports at Nuuk and Ilulisat. In winter there are cargo flights from Aasiaat to nearby settlements for which you can book a seat as well. In summer the connection is by ferry only.

QSL Aasiaat Radio 2187.5 kHz

Receiving QSLs from remote places around the globe is always nice. So I was very pleased to receive this QSL from Aasiaat Radio, Greenland following a reception of a DCS test message on 2187.5 kHz. Bo Mogensen on was so kind to reply to my report. Initially I thought I received Qaqortoq Radio on the basis of the MMSI number 003311000 received, but Bo explained to me that MMSI numbers were rationalized following ITU recommendations, so this one belongs to Aasiaat now.

QSL Aasiaat Radio, Greenland
QSL Aasiaat Radio, Greenland

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