Thanks to my friend Artur from Maresme DX I got a promising contact address at Radio Koper-Capodistria from Slovenia. My report from April for the reception of their program on 1170 kHz was answered after 10 weeks with this beautiful paper QSL card (front and back).

A nice paper QSL card from Radio Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia

From all the medium wave QSLs I collected in the 80ies, Radio Capodistria is one of the few stations still left on medium wave. But according to a recent post on Ydun’s Mediumwave Info the continuation of medium wave operations might be at jeopardy. Below you can see the QSL I received almost 44 years ago, with “Koper” pennant and car stickers. At the time Slovenia was still part of Yugoslavia.

1980s QSL from Radio Koper/Capodistria