The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Author: Peter Reuderink (Page 2 of 36)

QSL SAQ Grimeton Alexanderson Day 2024 on 17.2 kHz

QSL  SAW Grimeton July 2024
e QSL SAQ Grimeton Alexanderson Day 2024

June 30th was the celebration of Alexanderson Day (the day named after the inventor of the Alexanderson Alternator) at SAQ. Despite mid summer conditions reception was quite good as was also the case last year. This resulted in another SAQ Grimeton QSL.

A nice feature of these SAQ broadcast is that they broadcast the event via YouTube with a live chat channel where DXers from around the world compare how well they receive the station.

Coruna Airport NDBs: C-410 and COA-401 kHz

Coruna Airport… Don’t drink and fly?

Enaire is a reliable verifier of my receptions of NDBs. That’s nice as there are still quite a few NDBs active in Spain. I received NDB C on 410 kHz, and NDB COA on 401 kHz, both close to Coruna Airport. For this weblog I googled a Coruna Airport picture and I was surprised to see an Estrella Galicia beer commercial on their tower 😂.

Enaire always includes datasheet pictures in their reply. Can someone comment on the antenna lay out, it almost looks like a dipole?

QSL Citrus AM 1332 kHz

Citrus AM on 918 kHz is, if only because of the name, a station I wanted to receive. But it is virtually impossible to receive this station at my QTH. Initially Monique 918 AM dominated the frequency, and when they left the frequency Sitara from nearby Houten ramped up their power.
When we spent some time at Luttenberg for a dog event, I was able to listen to this station. I sent my report to Four months later I received this beautiful QSL… Bear in mind, Citrus AM is a hobby station, so I don’t blame them for taking some time.

The Netherlands is a pretty flat country. But there are still factors that influence propagation. I already noticed that LPAM stations in the central part of the Netherlands where three big rivers and polders set the scenery are received very well. But between Emst (the QTH of Citrus AM) only 80 kms away and my location the Veluwe, a sandy ridge 80 meters high, is pretty effective in blocking local AM signals.

Citrus AM is truly a hobby broadcaster. Currently they are operating from a – as Erik from Citrus AM describes – fairly simple AM frequency generator with amplifier. Their provisional antenna is relatively short and will be replaced in future.

Citrus AM 918 kHz transmitter

Citrus AM antenna

QSL Radio Maria España 88.5 MHz

Radio Maria operates 95 radio stations in many countries around the world. I have received Radio Maria stations from Austria, Colombia, Italy, Venezuela. A few years ago they were even active on the former Dutch national radio frequency of 675 kHz before this transmitter was closed. But unlike similar world wide religious broadcasters like AWR or TWR they have no presence on shortwave.

QSL Radio Maria Espana on 88.5 MHz
F/d email to QSL Radio Maria España, received on 88.5 MHz.

Mr. Lopez from Radio Maria España was so kind to confirm the report of my reception made during a Sporadic E opening on June 24th. I sent my report to . Unfortunately their are 4 stations present on this frequency, all low power. Given reception conditions that day my guess is that Toledo (2kW) was the transmitter I received, Marbella being less likely.

Bandar – e Shahid Rajaei on 12577 kHz

It’s not often that I receive a new DSC station outside Europe, but last week I received Bandar – e Shahid Rajaei on 12 MHz. They acknowledged a DSC test from containership MSC Eyra under the flag of Panama.

I always thought this station in Iran was named “Bandar Abbas” radio, and that’s where I sent my reception report to: . Not that I have high hopes on receiving a reply… The new name Shahid Rajaei refers to one of two ports in Bandar Abbas, and that explains the name!

QSL CADENA 100, Murcia 89.7 MHz

A QSL from CADENA 100. I heard them during the June 24th opening to Spain. The 8 kW transmitter is located in Murcia. I sent my report to

Email QSL from CADENA 100, Murcia, 89.7 MHz

CADENA 100 is a nationwide network owned by COPE. It broadcasts adult contemporary music. I heard a quiz and the “Black Eyed Peas”. In 2023 it was the 2nd most listened to music radio station in Spain.

QSL Pop Lasser, Valencia 90.3 MHz

The return on my Spanish Sporadic E reception reports is quite poor. Especially when you compare it to the response rate of the Italian stations (over 50%). But at least my report to Pop Lasser FM from Valencia, Spain, was answered with a kind reply from the technical department. I sent my report to .

Email answering my reception report to Radio Pop Lasser on 90.3 MHz from Valencia, Spain.

Pop Lasser (the RDS display shows Laser by the way) broadcasts from Valencia with only 2 kW. I heard them with pop music and local commercials from Valencia, which – in addition to the PI code/RDS – helped the identification.

Radio Taiwan test transmissions

Liebe Hörerinnen und Hörer,

Radio Taiwan International plant auch in diesem Jahr Ausstrahlungen des deutschsprachigen Programms von der Sendeanlage in Tamsui.
RTI strahlt dafür am Samstag, 6. Juli, jeweils 10-minütige Testsendungen zu folgenden Zeiten und Frequenzen aus:

Testsendungen: am 06. Juli 2024 (Samstag)

11995 kHz (17:00-17:10 UTC)
9545 kHz (17:30-17:40 UTC)
7250 kHz (17:45-17:55 UTC)

Wir bitten Sie, die Testsendungen zu beobachten und RTI Ihre Empfangsbeobachtungen mitzuteilen: E-Mail:

Aus den oben genannten 3 Frequenzen werden 2 Frequenzen für die Direktausstrahlungen ausgewählt. 

Offizielle Sendetermine:

(Eine halbe Stunde auf einer Frequenz von 17:00-17:30 Uhr UTC, eine halbe Stunde auf der zweiten Frequenz von 17:30-18:00 Uhr UTC):
12.07. (Freitag), 13.07. (Samstag), 14.07. (Sonntag)
19.07. (Freitag), 20.07. (Samstag), 21.07. (Sonntag)
26.07. (Freitag), 27.07. (Samstag), 28.07. (Sonntag)
02.08. (Freitag), 03.08. (Samstag), 04.08. (Sonntag)

weitere Informationen und Ankündigen:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 
Ihre RTI-Redaktion

QSL Radio Koper-Capodistria 1170 kHz

Thanks to my friend Artur from Maresme DX I got a promising contact address at Radio Koper-Capodistria from Slovenia. My report from April for the reception of their program on 1170 kHz was answered after 10 weeks with this beautiful paper QSL card (front and back).

A nice paper QSL card from Radio Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia

From all the medium wave QSLs I collected in the 80ies, Radio Capodistria is one of the few stations still left on medium wave. But according to a recent post on Ydun’s Mediumwave Info the continuation of medium wave operations might be at jeopardy. Below you can see the QSL I received almost 44 years ago, with “Koper” pennant and car stickers. At the time Slovenia was still part of Yugoslavia.

1980s QSL from Radio Koper/Capodistria
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