The wonderful world of listening to the radio

QSL Bangkok Radio 12577 kHz

After 65 weeks I received a friendly email from YvesZor at Bangkok Radio to QSL my reception of a DSC message from Bangkok Radio on 12577 kHz. It was worth the wait, although in the meantime YvesZor already QSL-ed my 2 MHz reception of Bangkok Radio which is a bit more special.

email to QSL my DSC 12MHz reception of Bangkok Radio

1 Comment

  1. Patrick

    Nice reception Peter. Always nice to catch some South-East Asian radio stations.
    Regularly I hear Bangkok Meteo Radio on 8743 kHz in voice, partly English and partly Thai language.
    But don’t listen too long because they use an “Icecream van”- style tune and is a real earworm :o)
    Have a nice weekend and good DX !


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