The wonderful world of listening to the radio

Month: September 2024 (Page 2 of 2)

QSL Radio Cuckoo 6295 kHz

A traditional QSL postcard from Radio Cuckoo on 6295 kHz. Radio Cuckoo is a pirate station broadcasting from Ireland using a home-built tube transmitter. They broadcast popmusic from the 80-ies. Reception quality suffered from some noise, but the way “Cuckoo” was pronounced made it easy to catch the identification.

I received their new QSL (see below) as well as their old QSL card plus sticker within a week after sending my report to radiocuckoo(at) . Thank you Dave!

QSL card from Radio Cuckoo on 6295 kHz

QSL Radio Northsea Nijmegen via Channel 292, 6070 kHz

This weekend, August 31, it was exactly 50 years ago that Radio Noordzee went off the air. The Dutch authorities signed the Straatsburg Treaty against piracy forcing Radio Noordzee off air. Radio Veronica, another Dutch offshore station, stopped on the same day.

There were quite a few shows on various relay stations like Channel 292 and a couple of pirate stations to commemorate all of this. Radio Northsea Nijmegen rented three hours of time on Channel 292 in which the last hours of Radio Noordzee were replayed. Michel Boon was so kind to confirm my reception report with a nice eQSL.

eQSL from Radio Northsea Nijmegen
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