QSL from JMH / Japan Meterological Agency
A physical QSL card from JMH / Japan Meterological Agency

They still exist… physical QSL cards, sent by mail, full of details. A big thank you to the folks at Japan Meteorological Agency for keeping up the tradition! I got my QSL JMH Japan Meterological Agency on 13988.5 kHz for my reception of weather charts via fax, which is almost a tradition in itself!

QSL JMH / Japan Meteorological Agency
Nicely detailed QSL from JMH

I have to thank Hugo Matten as he reported good reception conditions late June for the reception of various stations from the Far East around 14 MHz. The QSL was accompanied with a kind letter with additional details:

QSL from JMA Japan Meteorological Agency
QSL letter from JMH